Request for Bids

Painting Services – Request for Bids

Location: Underneath I-5 freeway on Jackson Street between 8th Avenue and 10th Avenue.

Project: Restoring/repainting twenty-two 25’-30’ Freeway Columns. Work will include replicating the three different artistic images of the columns. Anti-graffiti coating applied to the lower part of the pillars.

Bids will include labor, material, rental equipment, permitting, and any other associated costs.

Please send bids Tom Im – – by June 24, 2022

Save the Date! InterIm CDA 46th Annual Pig Roast

Save the Date! 

InterIm CDA is hosting its 46th Annual Pig Roast in person! It will be hosted in the Danny Woo Garden, and it will take place on July 15 – 16. Make sure to mark the dates on your calendars!  

Just Economy

On June 13th and 14th our Advocacy and Policy Program Manager, Derek Lum, will be attending the Just Economy Conference. The Just Economy Conference is the premier gathering of people who want to create opportunities for people, and communities, to build wealth in an equitable manner. Conference attendees represent the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and its grassroots members. Attendee’s come from organizations that are working toward a more just and inclusive economy. These can include government, nonprofits, CDA’s, CDFI’s, unions, amongst others. Some topics covered include the racial wealth gap, affordable housing, small business survival, development, displacement, and more.

A Different Mirror: Community Building & Resilience in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District

Chinatown-International District is (CID) one of Seattle’s last remaining cultural gems and holds
so much more than what meets the eye. Our community is filled with residents from around the
world, diverse businesses, and members who deeply care about and help create the
neighborhoods unique past, present, and future. The CID’s rich legacy bursts with potential and
continues to fight to exist as a healthy community with cultural dignity.
Continuing the legacy of Bob Santos, Interim CDA will produce a mini-doc series to honor our
rich history and uplift and advocate for the communitys presence to inspire, inform and guide the
future of the neighborhood.

Watch our first episode here: A Different Mirror: Kau Kau BBQ



We loved seeing this story in the Seattle Times today.  InterIm CDA fully support the Friends of Inscape in their journey towards preserving the INS building as a space that is permanently affordable to artists in the Chinatown-International District. The CID faces profound and unprecedented issues of gentrification and displacement fueled by the City’s growth and redevelopment. We welcome Friends of Inscape to the movement for a CID where working class people, small family-owned businesses, and community organizations can all thrive.

I-5 Activation Project

We would like to share information that was completed in 2021 with our I-5 Steering Committee on the I-5 Activation Project.

Domestic Violence Housing First: A Celebration of What We're Learning!

Please watch the recording of the event, Domestic Violence Housing First: A Celebration of What We’re Learning! You can also visit the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s YouTube channel.
InterIm Cda is thankful to have joined the event in April. Thank you to Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!

InterIm CDA Denounces Anti-Asian Violence

We, at InterIm CDA, are deeply saddened to hear of the horrific events in Atlanta, GA that left 8 people murdered including 6 members of the Asian Pacific Island community. Our deepest condolences to the victims’ families and friends.

As attacks on the API community increase, we need to highlight the depth of white supremacy and racism that humanized the shooter as “having a bad day” while framing the massage parlors as “temptation” to “eliminate”. This sexualization of Asian women is even more abhorrent in the light of the recent Stop AAPI Hate report that more than twice as many women are victims than men. We stand against misogyny and the stigma of earning a living in massage parlors. We respect all forms of work that our community engages in.

We want to lift up the sentiments aptly expressed by our sister organizations:

If you experience or witness a hate crime, please contact our friends at CISC and tell them about it by calling or emailing as follows:

Cantonese-粵語/English: (425) 240-5825

Mandarin-普通话/English: (206) 393-2110

Russian/English: (425) 326-9497

Spanish-Español/English: (425) 598-5436

Vietnamese/English: (206) 235-4372


If you are in need of mental health support, please contact ACRS: (206) 695-7600.

We, as a social justice organization, need to support our Brown and Black brothers and sisters. We need to unite the ‘beloved community’ against all forms of violence, white supremacy and xenophobia.

Once again, our deepest condolences to these victims’ families and friends.

InterIm CDA solidarity statement

InterIm Community Development Association (ICDA) stands in solidarity with this weekend's protests around Black Lives Matter and with every black community seeking justice around the criminal justice system and other matters. The recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and Nina Pop have brought our country's profound anti-blackness into full view. These incidences have caused us to reflect upon the anti-blackness that exists within our own community.

​We are committed to the fight for true equity in every measure of life for the Black community. As a broad Asian and Pacific Islander community, we have benefitted from the civil rights struggles and other efforts of the African American community. In the early fights of the 20th century to protect and preserve our neighborhood, the Black community stood by us when we needed help. As an organization rooted in the Chinatown International District, we recognize that there has been a long history of black residents and business owners as being an integral part of our community. This was part of the work that Uncle Bob did with the Gang of Four. Currently, many black people live in or visit the CID daily. We must never forget this.​

We will do work to reckon with our anti-blackness, as an organization and in our community advocacy. We are committed to fighting Institutional Racism and fighting for Racial Equity, as well as following racial justice principals in our Internal and Program work in all area's, including Homelessness Prevention, Housing Development, WILD Youth, Resident Services, Policy and Advocacy, The Danny Woo Garden, Employment Navigation, and Food Security.

Finally, we encourage everybody to donate to Black Lives Matter: We encourage you to do what is possible in your personal capacity.