We Shall Not Be Moved: Make your voice heard to Seattle City Council
Make your voice heard to Seattle City Council
CALL TO ACTION: Join us next Tuesday, July 18, at NVC Memorial Hall, to show and voice your concern about the immediate threat of displacement and gentrification of Chinatown-International District before Seattle City Councilmembers. Interpreters will be present. The City Council is making decisions about development in this neighborhood. This is your opportunity to learn about and influence those decisions and help us stop displacement now.
What: We Shall Not Be Moved Town Hall
When: Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Time: 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Where: Nisei Veterans Committee (NVC) Memorial Hall,
1212 South King St., Seattle, WA
Contact: Henry Liu, hliu@interimicda.org, 206-624-1802 x21
The City Council is expected to vote later this month on passing Mandatory Housing Affordability. At the town hall, the Chinatown-ID community will express concern about having anti-displacement tools and policies in place that will protect and preserve this uniquely very low-income community, which has historically been and still is the first home for many immigrants and refugees. The proposed rezone in the Chinatown-ID comes at a time when a runaway speculative real estate market and skyrocketing rents threaten to displace this very low-income community. 520 households over the last 20 years have been displaced and 640 more low income households are threatened to be displaced through the redevelopment of Chinatown-ID.
Please come and make your voice heard or be a warm body in the room showing your concern for Chinatown-ID.