Experiential Education

WILD’s fosters confident, informed, compassionate, civically-engaged refugee and immigrant youth leaders. Annually, WILD primarily serves approximately 100 low-income Asian and Pacific Islanders ages 14-19, through our award winning, year-round environmental justice leadership development program.

Environmental Justice

WILD Youth critically deconstruct the way systemic racism leads to communities of color bearing the brunt of environmental injustice and climate change.

Intergenerational Learning

WILD grounds youth in their community through strengthening ties with elders. We believe intergenerational learning deepens youths’ commitment to service and leads to a deeper cultural connection and understanding.

WILD employs a leadership model with two levels of engagement

Summer Program for 14-18 year olds

During the summer, we meet Mon – Thurs from 11 – 3, with some exceptions for field trips and camping. This summer, we will be learning gardening techniques from our CID elders, engaging community members to use local parks, learn outdoor skills like restoration, camping, and fire making, go on environmental field trips, help do research for air quality monitoring in the CID, and much more!

School-Year Fellowship Program for 14 to 18 year olds

This program targets youth who want to dive deeper into their histories, process current events, and engage in environmental advocacy projects that make a positive impact on the CID.

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