Response to Anti-Asian Aggression - 91.3 KBCS
Response to Anti-Asian Aggression
April 20, 2020 - 1:19 pm
Earlier this month, anti-Asian stickers were posted throughout Seattle’s Chinatown International District. Seattle Police said the people posting them are likely associated with a white supremacist hate group.
KBCS spoke with Pradeepta Upadhyay, Executive Director of InterIm Community Development Association about the community’s response to this incident. To listen, click here.
Our response to COVID-19
The world has changed, as the crisis continues, we are committed to serve the most vulnerable in our community. We are working hard so low-income people of color, including refugee and immigrant individuals, seniors and families have the latest information on COVID-19. As an organization that works with 13 different language groups, we ensure that our clients understand how to stay safe, why we need to stay at home and not visit elders which for many refugee and immigrant cultures is very difficult. We are determined to emerge from this pandemic, stronger, more resilient and committed to serve our community!
Housing Services and Homelessness Prevention
While staff are not providing in-person services, we are actively working to make sure that clients have access to employment opportunities, food and utility assistance and other financial supports during this health emergency. We are committed to ensuring that our clients at risk for and currently homelessness have access to resources and rapid connections to stable housing. We are committed to continue the vital provision of rental assistance, landlord mediation, and eviction prevention services to help our clients maintain a safe place to call home.

Wilderness Inner-City Leadership Development
Our team is in constant contact with youth and has directed their families to resources as needed as well as delivering groceries. Moving forward, the spring quarter of programming will be remote. While this represents a serious challenge, we believe that continuing the program in any capacity is important to our youth's emotional and intellectual well-being. While the format and platform are still being determined, we are planning on starting our spring quarter in late April or early May.
Set for Success
We want our elders to know that we care! Since March 16, 400 seniors and residents have received groceries. Enduring this pandemic will take a lot more than just food delivery. Emotional support is essential. We stay connected over WeChat or by phone with as many seniors as possible. This way, information is shared over a network of people, and most importantly, help them to feel like they are not alone.
Danny Woo Community Garden
We are focusing on the health and well-being of the elder gardeners and other neighbors in need. We help with grocery delivery and encourage our residents to walk through the Garden. In response to increased food insecurity with the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, we are ramping up our food production to donate to the ACRS Food Bank and neighbors in need. While our Children's Garden program is cancelled, we are providing families with DIY curriculum to explore and enjoy the garden.
Employment Navigator
We are providing clients with job search information and helping them with their job applications. We are assisting job seekers with resume building, cover letters, and mock interviews as well as clothing. We are assisting clients in filling out unemployment forms and other resources.
Real Estate Development
To help residents understand King County Public Health guidance for personal safety during Covid-19, ICDA has posted the guidelines in different languages in our 5 buildings. InterIm CDA is not issuing any legal notices to our tenants. They have been given rent, utility, and food assistance as well as information to other resources. Both management companies are working with InterIm to coordinate meal and supply delivery free of charge to residents in need. To support small business in our mixed used buildings, ICDA has issued full rent concessions for April and will evaluate options for May.
InterIm’ s Corner: InterIm Community Development Association assists vulnerable seniors and residents during the Covid-19 crisis
Henry Liu, Eliza Guan and Lizzy Baskerville of InterIm CDA bought groceries at Uwajimaya and delivered them to 18 families and senior residents at the Atlas Apartment, Seattle’s Chinatown-International District. United Filipino club of Seattle University donated food items for today’s grocery bags. The residents will deliver it to the other senior residents and families in the building. This is the third delivery of free groceries, and we will continue to deliver once a week to various families and individuals in need. Since March16,2020 InterIm CDA has delivered 106 free grocery bags. All photos are by Pinky Gupta.