InterIm CDA Denounces Anti-Asian Violence
We, at InterIm CDA, are deeply saddened to hear of the horrific events in Atlanta, GA that left 8 people murdered including 6 members of the Asian Pacific Island community. Our deepest condolences to the victims’ families and friends.
As attacks on the API community increase, we need to highlight the depth of white supremacy and racism that humanized the shooter as “having a bad day” while framing the massage parlors as “temptation” to “eliminate”. This sexualization of Asian women is even more abhorrent in the light of the recent Stop AAPI Hate report that more than twice as many women are victims than men. We stand against misogyny and the stigma of earning a living in massage parlors. We respect all forms of work that our community engages in.
We want to lift up the sentiments aptly expressed by our sister organizations:
If you experience or witness a hate crime, please contact our friends at CISC and tell them about it by calling or emailing as follows:
Cantonese-粵語/English: (425) 240-5825
Mandarin-普通话/English: (206) 393-2110
Russian/English: (425) 326-9497
Spanish-Español/English: (425) 598-5436
Vietnamese/English: (206) 235-4372
If you are in need of mental health support, please contact ACRS: (206) 695-7600.
We, as a social justice organization, need to support our Brown and Black brothers and sisters. We need to unite the ‘beloved community’ against all forms of violence, white supremacy and xenophobia.
Once again, our deepest condolences to these victims’ families and friends.
InterIm CDA - Uncle Bob's Place Virtual Groundbreaking Event 2/25/2021
Thank you to everyone who spoke at and attended the recent Uncle Bob’s Place Virtual Groundbreaking Event!
Please enjoy the video from the event.