InterIm CDA sponsored a staged reading of “Hold These Truths.” Actor Greg Watanabe gave a moving performance at the Theatre Off Jackson to a sold out crowd on Saturday February 22, 2014 and a near sell out on Sunday February 23, 2014.
Working with family members of Gordon Hirabayashi, professor Steven Sumida, Gail Nomura, the University of Washington Ad Hoc Hirabayashi Committee; Jeanne Sakata (play writer), Jerry Arai; and, with the financial support of Tomio Moriguchi and Hideki Obayashi (UW grad, now in CA) – a special Day of Remembrance symposium was held at the University of Washington.
King 5 interviewed InterIm CDA Acting Director, Andréa Akita, for a piece related to these events, tied to Hirabayashi Place, on Saturday February 22, 2014.